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Warranty Info

Protect Your Biggest Investment

SK Builders and McAlister Realty are committed to providing quality craftsmanship, but we're also committed to backing that craftsmanship with a strong warranty—giving our homeowners the peace of mind they deserve. That’s why we're proud to offer an in-house warranty program tailored to meet the specific needs of our homeowners.

We employ full-time warranty personnel to answer your questions and take care of any issues that arise.

When you purchase an SK home, we’ll provide you with a New Home Warranty Manual. SK Builders offers a one year final walk-through to address structural, settling, and finishing issues you have noticed. A limited manufactures warranty extends to two years from closing, and our structural warranty is guaranteed through SK Builders for eight years. As an added measure of protection, the warranty manual also contains a list of contact information for important subcontractors who can respond to emergency situations quickly.  This warranty coverage is assurance that SK Builders stands behind their work and aims to have happy homeowners.  

For questions about your home warranty, please call 864-395-0947 or email warranty@skbuilders.com

For service in Spanish:  (864) 887-0333

If you have any issues with our warranty process, or are unhappy with our service, please contact customerservice@skbuilders.com